TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market, Tokyo

TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo

Tsukiji Fish Market is one of the major destinations in Tokyo.  In fact, I love going to Tsukiji and pick up some street food and fresh seafood to bring back home for dinner.  I have many favorite stores but in this blog, I will introduce to you my TOP 10 Street Food you must try in Tsukiji Fish Market. 

#1 Beef Bowl and HorUmon Bowl from Kitsuneya (きつねや)

TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo

You might already heard of Horumon Bowl (¥850) at Kitsuneya since it has been one of the popular food stands in Tsukiji Fish Market before I was even born.  Horumon bowl here has a deep red miso paste flavor, extremely tender and not oily at all. red miso paste can be a bit bitter but this is far from bitter. Gyudon (¥680), which mean beef bowl, is soooooo GOOD! Beef is kind of like a corned beef like texture and a plenty of light yet juicy sweet soy sauce is poured over it.  I can say Gyudon IS the best friend of white rice.  Order side Horumon for ¥650 if you want to try both. (Tell them you want 'Horumon-ni'.)

TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo
TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo

FYI, there is alway a long line and close as early as 13:30. Make sure to arrive early and not to miss it.  Also, I'v seen many tourists trying to cut line and causing troubles. Don't disrespect the rule there!

#2 Fresh Oysters from Saito Suisan (斎藤水産)

TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo

You probably are expecting a great piece of oyster to taste when you visit Tsukiji Fish Market.  Just don't go to a wrong store.  Saito Suisan is one of the best street oyster store in Tsukiji Jogai area.  The owner of Saito Suisan is known for having genius eyes to pick fresh oysters.  Any oysters you get here is A-mazing.  

TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo
TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo

Here you can also buy other seafood mainly shellfish. They often have a sample for tuna so if you find it, you should try it!


#3 Fat Tuna Bowl from Maguroya Kurogin(まぐろや黒銀)

TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo

I don't like tuna so much but this fat tuna was different.  This Otoro Don (Fat Tuna Bowl) is ¥1,800.  It's not cheap but it's so worth it.  It's so fatty that it starts melting BEFORE you put it in your mouth! 

TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo
TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo

There are many stores mainly selling tuna but I like Maguroya Kurogin the best. Workers there are so helpful and friendly. 

#4 Uniman from Hamada Shoten (まる一 浜田商店)

TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo
TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo

Uniman Kiwami(¥860) is Paolo's favorite.  Squid Ink flavored bun is filled with creamy sea urchin cream and fresh sea urchin is on the top of it.  It taste like a pure uni cream! YOU MUST TRY IT. 


#5 Menchi Katsu from Yoshizawa Shoten (吉澤商店)

TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo

Matsuzaka Beef Menchi Katsu (¥340) here is completely different from other menchi you can find in the shopping street in Tokyo.  People outside of Japan wrongly understand that Kobe beef is the best premium beef, but Matsuzaka beef is actually one of the top 3 premium wagyu beef loved by local foodies.

This menchi use 100% Matsuzaka beef and you taste the umami in the juice.  Matsuzaka beef has a sweet and strong taste of beef and you just can't stop chewing! 

TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo

Yoshida Shokai in Tsukiji Fish Market looks just one of those mom and pop's meet store, but it is actually the same company as the most luxury Shabu Shabu restaurant in Ginza, Yoshizawa. No wonder it's good, right?


#6 Seafood Inarizushi from Tsukiben (築べん)

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This is fairly new food stand made for tourists.  Locals tends to hate tourists' food stands but this inari shop cannot be underestimated.  I mean look at the volume of the topping!  It's falling off!

TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo

You can order the topping from sea urchin, salmon egg roe, crab meat.  We got salmon and salmon egg roe (¥500) this time.  The topping is of course fresh and nothing to complain. Rice is perfectly marinated with sushi rice vinegar, and fried tofu bag taste the mixture of bitterness and the sweetness. ...LOVE IT.


#7 Shumai from Saiwaiken (幸軒)

TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo

Yes, it is dumpling and it is Chinese, but you can't miss this one.  Saiwaiken is actually a good all ramen restaurant and this shop is a food stall selling only shumai. Their soy sauce based light retro ramen is also good, so if you get hungry for ramen this could be a place. 

TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo
TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo

Japanese eat shumai with soy sauce and Japanese mastered, but here you eat with Worcestershire-style sauce. The owner said that it's also good with black paper. This huge meaty shumai is quite sweet and sticky.  So delicious!

#8 Tamagoyaki from Marutake (丸武)

TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo

This one is only ¥100!  Marutake became famous because the owner is a brother of a popular Japanese celebrity, Terry Ito but their tamago yaki is really good!  Of course they always serve the freshest steamy one.  You usually come here very early in the morning so nice to start a day with a nice piece of egg.

#9 Crab Fish Cake Stick from Nigiwai Honpo

TOP 10 Street Food You MUST Try in Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo

This imitation crab fish cake stick with kanimiso on the top is a small stand.  If you like imitation crabs like Paolo, you would love this.  

#10 Seafood Izakaya - Iki (魚や粋) 

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This is not really a street food, but I had to put this on the list since it is my favorite.  Iki is a fish store during the day but it turns into a seafood izakaya at night.  They put clear acrylic plate over fish case and use it as a table!  You can choose seafood in the case and they cook it right away.  Everything is right off of Tsukiji Fish Market and extremely fresh! Price is moderate for this quality.


Hope my TOP 10 helps to fulfill your hunger!
